Within the classes of elements; unit, access, distraction = garden? Maybe? First a review of the elements. First, logically is the entrance, then to corridor, then to the corridor/unit threshold, then to unit. On a larger scale it goes now Dwelling - Void - Dwelling.
Its context
An impulse, from the mutated form of the dwelling, is that the garden be in itself one of these units. Differentiated from the 'dead' units created by the mutation, the garden's form new abstracted life from the mutations.
Garden Typology
Karesansui, or the Zen Garden, can probably be used to symbolise or re-construct the 1 to 4 to 7 number sequence problem, however it might look out of place against the dwellings form. There is a possibility of re-considering the dwelling's form through the idea of a Karesansui, ie. the dwelling as a feature of the garden.
The Orangery, or Greenhouse, can be considered as an engawa type structure, addressing the connection between internal and external. It could be a more permeable unit structure stemming for the hierarchical corridor
The Brick Fruit Wall can extend the mutated architecture out into the surrounding environment. Extensions & segments from the structure can used to convey a reconstruction of a natural form, changing the landscape somewhat.
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